Suggested Reading List : A Bibliography of Resources
Books by Contemporary Humorists
Roughly Speaking, by Louise Randall Pierson
We Took to the Woods, by Louise Dickinson Rich
Chicken Every Sunday, by Rosemary Taylor
Raising Demons, by Shirley Jackson
Life Among the Savages, by Shirley Jackson
With Malice Toward Some, by Margaret Halsey
Books by Colleagues of Betty MacDonald
Much Laughter, A Few Tears, by Blanche Caffiere.
Nisei Daughter, by Monica Sone.
Sketchbook: A memoir of the 30s and the Northwest School, by William Cumming.
Reference Works
Current Biography Yearbook 1946:362-3 1947
Twentieth Century Authors; 1st sup. Wilson 1955 p611-12 bibliog por
Authors of Books For Young People. By Ward and Marquardt. Scarecrow 1964 p144
Yesterdays Authors of Books For Children; v.1 Gale 1977 p167-73 bibl il por
Major Authors and Illustrators for Children and Young Adults: a selection of sketches from Something
About the Author; [edited by] Laurie Collier and Joyce Nakamura. Gale Res. 1993 p1539-43 bibl il pors.
The Popular Book, by James D. Hart. 1
Magazine Articles
Onions in the Stew; condensation. Pors Ladies Home Journal 71:54-5+ D 1954
Unforgettable Character. Readers Digest 64:91-4 F 1954
Money and I. Cosmopolitan Magazine. June 1949
All the Joys. Por Good Housekeeping 141:45+ Jl 1955
Facts About Adolescence[from Onions in the Stew]. Saturday Review 38:16 Ap 9, 1955
Funny Lady. Por Newsweek 45:116+ My 16 1955
Im an Optimist! Por Farm Journal 80:79-80+ Ja 1956
It All Happened To M. Pors Sat Eve Post 222:19-21+ Je 17; 26-7+ Je 24; 223:28-9+ Jl 1; 36-7+ Jl 1950
Most Unforgettable Character Ive Met. Readers Digest 55:11-15, Jl 1949
Glamorous Grandmothers. Il. por Coronet 29: 122-3 F 1951 Portrait. Sat Review of Literature 33:26 S 16 1950
Betty MacDonald Cleared in West Coast libel action. Publishers Weekly 159:1344 March 17 1951
Plague and I. por (p33 Ag) Good Housekeeping 127:42-3+ Ag; 42-3+ S; 85+ O 1948
Egg and I; novel; abridged. Atlantic Monthly 175:97-106 Je; 176-91-100 Jl; 97-106 Ag 1945
Egg and I; novel; abridged. Read Digest 49:13959 N 1946
Biography. Por Current Biography 7:29-31 F 1946
Life Goes Calling on the Author of The Egg and I. il pors Life 20:134-7 Mr 18 1946
Portrait. Publishers Weekly 151:415 Jan 25 1947
Lippincott Celebrates Millionth Copy of The Egg and I. il Publishers Weekly 150:1232-3 Sept. 7, 1946.
Portrait. Sat Review of Literature 28:28 Oct. 6 1945
Scrawk! Il por Time 47:99-100+ Mr 4 1946
In and Out of Books Thompson, R. por NY Times Bk Review p8 D 5 1948
Life in MacDonald Manor. Il por Sat Eve Post 222:172 Je 17 1950
Important Authors of the Fall, Speaking for Themselves. B.B. MacDonald. Por NY Herald Tribune Bk R. p6 Oct. 8 1950
Betty MacDonald Had a Farm. Fish, P. il Sunset (Natl. ed.) v207 no3 p22 S 2001
Obituary. Americana Annual 1959:515 1959
Obituary. Britannica Book of the Year: 1959 p.513
Obituary. Current Biography Yearbook 1958:260 1958
Obituary. Current Biography 19:20 Ap 1958
Obituary. Illustrated London News por 232:271 F 15 1958
Obituary. NY Times p19 F 8 1958
Obituary. Newsweek por 51:72 F 17 1958
Obituary. Publishers Weekly 173:86 F 17 1958
Obituary. Time 71:102 F 17 1958
Obituary. Wilson Library Bulletin 32:535 Ap 1958
Newspaper Articles
Betty MDonald is Sued. New York Times. Feb 7 1951 p27
Egg and I Author Wins Suit. New York Times. Feb 22 1951. p29
Betty MacDonalds Scramble to the Top by Don Duncan. Seattle Times. March 11, 1973.
Obituary. Seattle Times. Feb 8, 1958
Book Reviews - The Egg and I
The Egg and I (1945)
Book Week p10 O 14 1945 360w
Booklist 42:54 O 15 1945
Commonweal 42:628 O 12 1945 80w
Kirkus 13:328 O 12 1945 80w
Library J 70:748 S 1 1945 80w
NY Times p20 O 7 1945 450w
Sat R of Lit 28:28 O 6 1945 650w
Springfd Republican p4D O 21 1945 550w
Weekly Book Review p2 O 7 1945 650w
Reviews - Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle (1947)
Atlantic 179:128 Je 1947 120w
Booklist 43:260 Ap 15 1947
Chgo Sun Book Week p8 My 11 1947 70w
Christian Science Monitor p10 Jl 15 1947 150w
Horn Book 23:213 My 1947 120w
Kirkus 15:127 Mr 1 1947 180w
Library J 72:739 My 1 1947 90w
NY Herald Tribune Wkly Bk R p8 Mr 23 1947 430w
NY Times p33 Ap 20 1947 230w
New Yorker 23:150 D 6 1947 60w
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle (1947) continued-
San Francisco Chronicle p11 Ap 6 1947 320w
School & Society 65:214 Mr 22 1947 20w
Wis Lib Bul 43:70 Ap 1947
DAR Mag. v 81 1947, p495
Reviews - The Plague and I (1948)
Atlantic 183:82 Ja 1949 550w
Booklist 45:28 S 15 1948
Chicago Sun O 19 1948 750w
Library J 73:1270 S 15 1948 100w
NY Herald Tribune Wkly Bk R p19 O 17 1948 460w
NY Times p6 O 17 1948 700w
San Francisco Chronicle p20 O 31 1948 600w
Sat R of Lit 31:17 N 20 1948 800w
Springfd Republican p12C D 5 1948 180w
Time 52:118 O 25 1948 140w
Wis Lib Bul 44:183 N 1948
Reviews - Anybody Can Do Anything (1950)
Atlantic 186:82 O 1950 360w
Booklist 46:281 350 My 15 1950; Jl 15 1950
Bookmark 10:5 O 1950 30w
Chicago Sun p8 Ag 27 1950 500w
Chgo Sunday Tribune p3 Ag 27 1950 500w
Christian Science Monitor p16 Ag 24 1950 420w
Kirkus 18:492 Ag 15 1950 210w
Library J 75:1287 Ag 1950 130w
NY Herald Tribune Bk R p9 Ag 27 1950 750w
NY Times p6 Ag 27 1950
San Francisco Chronicle p11 Ag 27 1950
Sat R of Lit 33:26 S 16 1950 700w
Time 56:82 Ag 28 1950 330w
DAR Mag, v84 1950, p946
Reviews - Nancy and Plum (1952)
Bookmark 12:12 O 1952 20w
Chgo Sunday Tribune p17 N 9 1952
Kirkus 20:369 Jl 1 1952
NY Herald Tribune Bk R p16 O 12 1952
San Francisco Chronicle p22 N 30 1952
Reviews - Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Farm (1954)
Chgo Sunday Tribune p15 O 17 1954 110w
Kirkus 22:387 Jl 1 1954 110w
NY Herald Tribune Bk R pt2 p6 N 14 1954 290w
San Francisco Chronicle p16 N 14 1954 110w
Sat R 37:34 S 18 1954 1400w
Reviews - Onions in the Stew (1955)
Booklist 51:233; 336 F 1 1955; Ap 15 1955
Bookmark 14:187 My 1955 40w
Chicago Sunday Tribune p1 My 15 1955 650w
Christian Century 72:709 Je 15 1955 450w
Kirkus 23:63 Ja 15 1955
Library J 80:784 Ap 1 1955
NY Herald Tribune Bk R p3 My 15 1955
NY Times p3 My 15 1955
New Yorker 31:126 Je 4, 1955
San Francisco Chronicle p18 My 15 1955 900w
Sat R 38:20 My 14 1955 700w
Spec p593 My 6 1955
Springfd Republican p7C My 15, 1955
Wis Lib Bul 51:11 My 1955
Reviews - Hello, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle (1957)
Chicago Sunday Tribune pt 2 p5 My 12 1957 170w
Bookmark 16:165 Ap 1957 50w
Kirkus 25:3 Ja 1 1957 90w
Library Journal 82:1358 My 15 1957 60w
NY Herald Tribune Bk R p20 My 12 1957 190w
San Francisco Chronicle p26 My 12 1957 30w
Wis Lib Bul 53:406 My 1957
Reviews - Who Me?: An Autobiography (1959)
Booklist 56:186 N 15, 1959
Bookmark 19:35 N 1959 40w
Kirkus 27:777 O 1, 1959 100w
San Francisco Chronicle p14 N 22, 1959 110w
Times (London) Lit Supp p494 Ag 5 1960 40w