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Topic: 2011 Newsletter

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Last Reply: Jun 02, 2012 7:19 PM
Joined: Feb, 2005
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
May 31, 2011, 11:27 PM
I am in the process of drafting a long overdue newsletter. Any comments or suggestions?
Joined: Dec, 2007
Location: Pacific Northwest
Jun 01, 2011, 8:36 AM
John, did you ever do a newsletter on Monica Sone (Kimi)? I know you had talked about doing one, but I missed it if you sent it. Also, I know you were doing some research on Bob and the results changed your perspective on him. You found him to be a more sympathetic character, correct? Finally, I know that Joan has passed away, but is Anne still with us? She is an artist, isn't she? Is her work on display anywhere?
Joined: Feb, 2005
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jun 13, 2011, 8:56 PM
Suz, sorry for the delay. I just pulled all my files on Betty out of storgae and what a tangled mess they are at the moment. It is going to take a week to get everything reorganized. I have plenty of stuff on Monica Sone for a news letters plus, a few very special suprises from when I visited her a year or so ago. In future issues I will be releasing ALOT of new and exciting information on Betty and the clan Bard that has been passed down to me from several of her family members. So keep your eyes out, and I will have one in your mailbox soon.
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Location: Pacific Northwest
Jun 14, 2011, 7:39 AM
Good on ya, mate, as they say in Australia. (Lots of Australian tourists around lately so I've picked up that phrase.) Anyway, thanks for being willing and able to do the newsletter. I'm looking forward to it! One recent identification you made from the eBay photograph of Cleve sitting at the kitchen table in the Vashon house stays with me. It's good to have a visual of someone I've only had to imagine all these years. Something about that photo is poignant to me, the little moment in time of that family.
Joined: Feb, 2005
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jun 14, 2011, 8:55 PM
I want to talk to Cleves son but he is a busy man and very hard to get ahold of. There is so little about Cleve that we do not know. I don't know if her asked Betty to use him as liitle as possible in her books or what. But he is a mystery.
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Location: Pacific Northwest
Jun 15, 2011, 7:47 AM
I have a vague memory that someone approached Cleve's son years ago for information on Betty and the Bard family, then sold what he gave them. Maybe he is hesitant to repeat the experience?
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Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jun 22, 2011, 8:32 PM
Suz, I have sent you an email regarding this post.
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Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jun 28, 2011, 7:55 PM
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Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jun 28, 2011, 8:04 PM
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Jun 28, 2011, 8:08 PM
John and I are so EXCITED about the newsletter coming out on Friday! Be sure to send him (or me) an email if you would like a copy. Here is an excerpt from this month's issue:

Not long ago, I had the distinct pleasure and good fortune to meet three people who have not been heard from or featured in the little that has been written about Bob Heskett, but who were (and are) both important and fascinating parts of his life.
Two of these people are sisters, and their story will soon be the subject of a book being written by one of them.
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Location: Pacific Northwest
Jun 28, 2011, 9:24 PM
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Jul 01, 2011, 12:16 AM
Putting the final touches on the Newsletter and will have it out Friday evening, so be sure to check your email on Saturday morning, if you requested a copy. If you didn't you still have plenty of time. Enjoy!!!
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Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jul 01, 2011, 11:02 PM
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Location: Pacific Northwest
Jul 02, 2011, 6:42 PM
John, the newsletter is wonderful. Thanks to you and Debbie for all your work.
Joined: Jul, 2009
Jul 02, 2011, 7:36 PM
Love the news letter, thanks John and Debbie and to Darsie.
Joined: Feb, 2005
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jul 03, 2011, 2:11 PM
Suz and Eleni, thnak you. It felt good working on the newsletter again. Debbie and I are going to start work on another one here shortly. I am wanting to do one on Monica Sone a/k/a kimi.
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Location: Pacific Northwest
Nov 01, 2011, 4:51 PM
John and Debbie, the October newsletter was REALLY fine! Thank you so much!
Joined: Feb, 2005
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Nov 02, 2011, 10:51 PM
Thank you Suz, I was planning on a longer bio on Monica but, what with classes and midterms I didn't have alot of time to spend on Monica's story. I do plan on starting to work on a Christmas newsletter here in about a week. I enjoy putting out the newsletter and, as we all know, sharing information that I receive. I have a few documents that I am wanting transcribe and hopefully post on the site for all to enjoy.
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Nov 08, 2011, 4:38 PM
Thanks, Eleni & Suz!! We plan to have the Christmas issue out in time for Santa to drop it in everyone's mailbox! :-)
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Dec 18, 2011, 11:46 PM
Sorry, Folks - No Christmas issue of the newsletter... but we'll have another one soon. PROMISE!
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Jan 04, 2012, 12:03 AM
Hi Everyone - looking for some ideas for January's newletter. We will complete the story of Don & Betty's trip through the Southwest, of course, but would love to hear from you as to other topics of interest! Email me or John:
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Location: Pacific Northwest
Jan 04, 2012, 11:26 AM
I'm re-reading "Anybody Can Do Anything" and enjoying it just as much as ever, and that prompted me to wonder about the Bard family home in the University District. Is it still slated for demolition? Is there any one in Seattle now, perhaps with their Historical Society, who would have information for the newsletter on the Bard family's time there, or on Betty's or Mary's activities in Seattle during the Depression? Naturally they were not well-known at the time and there would be no reason for their activities to have made the news any more than anyone else's, but that might be a topic for a future newsletter. I wonder if any of Betty's newsletters for the Lumbermen's Association have survived somewhere? Or if the playbill from Dede's appearance on the Fanchon and Marco show still exists?
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Jan 05, 2012, 5:35 PM
I'll try to find out the home on 15th, Suz. It was getting pretty run down, I know. Have you seen the photos in the Gallery and on Historylink? The newsletters are gone, it seems (unless the family has some). We have tried to get copies of Betty's stories in the Firlands newsletter, also, but I'm not sure that Cathy B. was able to find any copies. Cathy,if you check in, please let us know what you've found. I agree that these "where are they"? queries would be great to include in the next newsletter. Thanks, Suz!!
Joined: Feb, 2005
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jan 06, 2012, 12:34 AM
Suz, a member sent me a picture of the house as it stands today - I have missplaced it over the years. I do know that it was run down and planned to be raised. Re the newsletters... I spoke with the people at the old Firland and, as far as they knew there were no copies of the Firland newsletter to be had during the period that betty was there.
Joined: Dec, 2007
Jan 16, 2012, 7:25 PM
There is a very old posting on rootsweb about the Firland Sanatorium from the daughter of a patient who edited the magazine.
Joined: Feb, 2005
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Feb 17, 2012, 8:14 PM
New newsleeter coming soon!
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