William Wilkins was the Bishop vs. MacDonald trial judge. Does anyone know if he mentioned the trial in his memoirs? I wonder what he thought about it. Betty's victory was based partly on convincing the jury that composite characters were a normal literary device, and partly on the error some of the Bishop clan made in providing directions to the Heskitt homestead for a fee, but as so many of the individuals in Egg were thinly disguised, I wonder what the judge's personal comments were post-trial, if he had any.
Suz, thank you. I will work on getting them scanned to my hard drive if not, I can always snail mail them to you. As I look over my profile, I have been a BMD member for 10 years. Wow.
Thanks, John. I know you're busy. Are you still working on the latest Egg Crate? Remember when Betty said all she wanted to do was get rich so she'd never have to write another word? I bet you can relate!
Suz, I am so sorry for the delay in responding to your post. So much has been going on these past weeks that I am frazzled to the point of insanity. I am still working on the newsletter, God himself only knows when I wwill get it done, as I am stuck on subject matter. My scanner died so I will have to use stock photo's instead of photos from my personal collection. But, when the newsletter is finnished you will get an advanced copy b efore i send them out :) I have had several people email me asking when I was going to write a book on Betty. I have thought about it but, I can't do much until I get more information on Don.
Frazzled To The Point of Insanity would make an excellent name for a rock band, John!
Keep your head down and one foot in front of the other. You're the one we all look to for accurate info on Betty's life. I imagine her family is grateful for your insistance on accuracy and fairness.
John, I read online that there was a woman from the Seattle area that was going to also write a book on Betty. I cannot remember he name but she said that nobody has ever written a bio on Betty because there was a lack of information but that she had found additional info in her latest research. Just wondered if you hear about that? I have always thought that the right book written about Betty would be wonderful and may very well spawn a well done movie on my favorite author ever...
Judge Wilkins did mention Betty in his autobiography, The Sword and the Gavel. He felt that the Bishops deserved "something" for what they endured after the book was published, but a jury did not give them a penny.
Rusty, sorry for the delay in replying to your post. I have been researching Betty for over a decade now and, there is still alot of information out there to be discovered. It takes alot of perseverance and intestinal fortitude to get just a fraction of information on someone as well rounded as Betty.