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Topic: Quick Links on the Web

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Last Reply: Oct 26, 2011 8:11 PM
Joined: Jul, 2005
Location: Northern California
Occupation: Online Sales & More!
Oct 20, 2011, 5:38 PM
Hi Everyone - I have been surfing around, seeing what has been put out recently, and found this site that has a whole list of links for Betty info. It's the Vashon Island History web site. Let's give them some click-through and learn a bit more about Betty in the process!
Joined: Feb, 2005
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Oct 23, 2011, 8:44 PM
Debbie, thank you for the link... it is very much appreciated! I am beginning to feel disheaterned. I submitted a photo of Anne Elizabeth Campbel Bard's (gammy) headstone. Now it has dissaperaed. No one seems to know what happened. I went through alot of trouble to get this photograph and the people at the cemetray were nice enough to go out and take the picture and email it to me. Now, it seems to have been a complete waste of time on my part and time wasted on those who tried to help me. I say, never again!
Joined: Jul, 2005
Location: Northern California
Occupation: Online Sales & More!
Oct 26, 2011, 8:11 PM
I remember that photo! We need to see what happened. I'll see if I can find out. In the meantime, if you get a chance to resend it, I'll be sure to get it up on the site. SOOOO SORRY this happened. Time to investigate!!
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