Just finished reading the new biography of Betty by Anne Wellman. It was a wonderful read, and respectable biography. Many new (to me anyway) interesting facts on Betty that I was unaware of that helped give a more rounded picture of her life. My only complaint (small at that) is Anne Wellman did not write a blurb about herself as the author - perhaps you can give us a small background of yourself and why you took on this task. Congratulations Anne and thank you!
I'm really glad you liked it, and thanks for taking an interest in me as the writer. (I did put a couple of lines about myself on my Amazon author page, but I always feel a biographer very much takes second place to the subject of the biography.) It took me about five years all told. I would welcome a review on Amazon or Goodreads if you get the chance - Betty is sadly in danger of being forgotten and if the biography attracts attention it may reawaken interest...