Friends of Betty MacDonald
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Informative Review of the Bishop/Kettle Trial
FOBM members and other interested parties might enjoy Beth Kraig's synopsis of the world of Betty MacDonald and the Bishop et al vs MacDonald libel trial that ended in 1951. Published in 1998, this is a thoughtful exposition of the issues of the trial and its impact on literary Seattle. -FA

Read the article

johnftwa48in - Oct 14, 2011, 1:39 PM
Having copies of the "original" case, I see that Dr Kraig has a few dates wrong but, I guess some peole are allowed to make a few mistakes.
debbies - Dec 10, 2011, 12:01 PM
Thanks (again) to Beth Kraig for this well-written article about the libel trial. It was a tough ordeal for Betty to endure, and I'm sure we're all glad she prevailed. It is somewhat amusing to think that the jury was "ordered" by Judge Wilkins to read "Egg," ... but they obviously enjoyed it and Betty.

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