Friends of Betty MacDonald
For fans of this beloved American writer
Inkubator: The Editor's Log
Getting Started
Getting Started
Hi! If this is your first time here, this is what you must know.
  • This site is accompanied by a discussion forum (message board) within the archive of the former Seattle Press, which is published as a community service by our web hosts at Clark Internet Publishing. The forum is intended for "chat-like" conversation, while the "Betty-zine" and this journal are intended for longer commentaries by the readership and the editor(s), which can become the basic of threads in the forum.
  • The newest topics in the editor's journal and the magazine always appear at the top of their respective content lists. Scroll down, or find other topics chronologically, or by category, or in the archive.
  • Third, visitors can comment on most items, either here in the editor's journal or in the forums. To add a new topic you must register with a real email address, which will not be published. This is to help us stay organized and to protect you from spam, since communication within the site does not require the display of real email addresses. You can be as public or as private as you wish.
  • When you register, you can do all manner of cool stuff, like add pictures to your posts and embed bold text or use your favorite colors.
  • There is a practical limit of about 1,000 characters to the length of posts. If you have a "treatise" you'd like to publish, contact a moderator or the editor for instructions. The interim plan is to circulate longer commentaries to about three "senior" volunteers for "peer review" before posting permanently.
  • This site is capable of much more than just a bulletin board; it can evolve into a comprehensive literary community; it's up to you!
Please enjoy the site and tell your friends. (If you want to suggest a feature for the site, please don't comment here; use the To The Editor form.)

Oh yes, if you'd like to have your own site, our hosts at Clark Internet Publishing make powerful do-it-yourself sites available at low cost. Sites include many professional features like blogs, calendars, newsletters, photo galleries, etc., and can be used for personal or business use.

"Frank Alexander" (Moderator)

Clark IP's CIP Sitemaker™

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